Monday, December 21, 2009
How to Create a Successful Airsoft Team
The Team Leader is the captain on the field. He will not only play as another role during the game, but will need to be the uncontested leader. There is only ONE Team leader, however the Tactical Officer is the Team Leader's go to guy. He will also play a standard role during the game, but will be there to assist the Team Leader in making decisions and if need be fill in for an eliminated Team Leader.
Most players on the team will be good old fashioned infantry. The Rifleman is your standard infantry unit. A semi automatic airsoft rifle with good accuracy at a mid distance is a standard in the field. It is also recommended that a Rifleman carry an airsoft pistol for a sidearm. The Support Gunner is the heavy infantry unit on the team. Fully automatic weapon with a high rate of fire and large magazine will be a defining characteristic of this player. The Support Gunner will roam the field or be strategically used to lay down suppressive fire to aid his comrades. The Designated Marksman is the teams most effective non sniper combat threat. This specialized infantry unit shoots from long range, but unlike the sniper the DM is engaged in main combat instead of staying covert. Generally an accurate shooter combined with an effective long range semi auto rifle will create a good DM. Depending on your team's style of play and size you will want 1 to 2.
Recon units main role is to assist the other team members, generally one or two will do. Recon is all about setting traps and gathering enemy intell. Generally you want a fast and agile player in this role. Generally a Recon Role can be supplemented by carrying a pistol and/or a shotgun for close quarters combat and fast action.
The Sniper. One of the most feared tools in an airsoft game. The Sniper should have a high powered and highly accurate airsoft rifle as well as a dependable side arm for close quarters engagements. Camo becomes more essential for this position. The Sniper's key role is to tactfully take out opposing targets based on the recon and instruction of the team leader. As a covert unit, depending on field size, one is all you will need. See our article information on Airsoft Sniper Tactics.
We hope that this will help your team function well. Feel free to comment or email us with questions!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Maintaining an airsoft gun, the right way!
You want to get the most from your gun and you demand the highest performance. Preventative maintenance can ensure that you are getting top performance as well as make sure that your gun lasts the long haul. Mistreatment of your airsoft gun will surely lead it to premature retirement.
The barrel of your airsoft gun is crucial to keep clean at all times. After a day of using your airsoft gun, clean the barrel thoroughly as any sand or dirt can cause severe damage. Spray silicone spray into the barrel and hop-up chamber clean the inside of the barrel using your cleaning tool and the outside with a rag. Make sure to respray the barrel after cleaning. Taking care of your barrel is more than just making sure that it is clean, making sure that you are using quality BB's is just as crucial. Low quality BBs break apart easily and that leads to jams, stripped pistons, and chipped gears. High quality BBs are sold at airsoft specialty retailers and will minimize jamming, improve FPS, and improve firing accuracy. For more information read our article on selecting a quality airsoft BB.
After each game you will want to decompress the spring or gearbox, releasing the pressure from it; this will keep your spring strong. If you have an electric airsoft gun, decompress the gearbox by firing the empty gun several times in semi-automatic mode. Be familiar with your gun as some guns even have a button to decompress the spring. If it is a spring airsoft gun, all you need to do is not re-cock your gun after your last shot. If your gun is already cocked at the end of the game just shoot it once and do not cock it again. For gas or co2 airsoft guns, remove the fuel source and be sure there is no pressure in the airsoft gun by safely discharging it to ensure the pressure has been entirely released.
Make sure to clean your clip or magazine regularly as well. Electric and spring guns utilize a spring to push up the airsoft bb's in their magazines. Keeping the magazine empty when not in use to keep the spring inside the magazine strong and ensure proper functionality for a long time. Gas magazines should be left with pressure in them as to keep the seals intact and prevent them from dry rot (never use the release valve to release gas as it could freeze the o-ring and damage it).
Oddly enough, batteries play a big part in the longevity of your gun. Make sure that if you ever need to replace the battery you select one with the correct voltage to your gun. Using a battery with higher voltage can over work your gearbox and possibly damage it. If you use a battery with a voltage lower than your gun is rated for you will loose performance or it may not even power it. The mAh of a battery dictates how long it will power your gun in one session. The higher the mAh, the longer the battery will last and the higher the rate of fire (rof) will be. When you first charge your battery charge it all the way up
and then make sure to drain it completely. Then fully charge it again (make sure not to over charge a battery, a standard wall charger will not stop when the battery if full this leads to damaged battery cells). This will ensure a good battery memory. Another important aspect of having your battery charged correctly is when your rifle battery is low, it's easier for the gearbox to "lock up" which can lead to damaged internal components. To avoid these issues, keep your firearm appropriately charged and stop using the rifle when battery life is low. We carry a large supply of high quality batteries at
If you follow these simple tips your airsoft gun will last longer and will be more reliable. We also recommend that you have your airsoft gun's internal maintenance done every 4 to 6 months by an professional.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Giving the gift of Airsoft!
If you are considering giving airsoft gifts this holiday season, or anytime for that matter, you are in luck. During this holiday season we at Overt Airsoft have put some of our best products on sale! These are some of our best airsoft deals of the year. There is a sale product geared towards just about everyone from airsoft beginners to advanced players. Remember are here to help you decide which package is the right fit, if after reading this article you still don't know what gift is right for your airsoft lover email us at
You will need to do a little recon on the gear your airsoft enthusiast already has to see what gift would be right for them. If you still feel a bit confused by all the options, there are always gift certificates available from our trustworthy airsoft website. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to find out what package is right for you:
- What is your budget? You can always go with a gift certificate for your designated amount or find the package that fits your budget. If the packages are outside of your budget, consider looking at our accessories and tactical gear.
- What's th
e skill level of the airsoft player you are buying for? Beginner or advanced? Generally a cheaper gun will do the job just as well for a beginner.
- What role do they play on the field? Do they consider themselves a sniper or field player? Or maybe they're a field player who is interested in trying out a sniper position? This will dictate the kind of the guns and gear they will use. Airsoft Snipers need a high degree of accuracy, while field players require durability, agility, and a high rate of fire.
- Where do they plan to do most of their playing? Indoors or out? Large or tight spaces? What will be more important... range or maneuverability? Choose an airsoft gift that will compliment that terrain.
- What kind of gear do they currently use if any? With this information you'll be a
ble to identify holes in their selection, replace worn out gear, or find upgrade opportunities for their current airsoft gear.
- Lastly, is there anything they have been hinting at? Do you want to ask them what they want? The element of surprise is always part of the fun, but if your airsoft enthusiast has some gear on their wish list, it's always good to know.

Happy Holidays from Overt Airsoft!