One important factor in playing paintball is well, having a place to play.
Generally your choices of paintball
fields include indoor parks, outdoor parks, and

general outdoor venues like public or
private land where paintball is allowed.
Most public land is not a good place for any paintball fields as it is generally illegal, but there are exceptions.

When selecting paintball fields there are three main factors that you want to take into consideration are: What type of game do you want to play, how many people you have, and what other services do you need? The terrain is an important factor in selecting your paintball fields depending on what type of paintball games you play. Generally speedball is played in more open level areas with more maneuverability and for woods ball the paintball fields of choice are generally wooded areas with plenty of cover and hiding places.
Commercial paintball fields can really vary in size and generally limit the number of players on the paintball field.

Indoor parks can vary from your standard room to an entire steel building size wise where as outdoor fields are pretty limitless in most cases and you size the field to the number of players. When you are determining the size of your outdoor paintball fields take into account the number of players and the cover within the playing area. The amount of space and cover needs to be taken into consideration as paintball fields with less cover need to be larger to accommodate for all players.
Other than size and the games you like to play you need to take into account your players and their needs when selecting your paintball fields. Commercial fields can often stimulate your day with air and CO2 refills and additional paint, not to mention food, equipment, repairs, and restroom facilities. Generally finding your own paintball fields gives you more control of the rules you play by, the choice of your terrain, and your company & atmosphere.