A sniper is an infantry soldier who specializes in shooting from a concealed position over longer ranges than regular infantry, often with a specially designed or adapted sniper rifle. It requires skill in marksmanship, camouflage and field craft. This article is about adapting sniper techniques to make you the best airsoft sniper you can be!
1. Side arms are very important to any airsoft sniper and do not require a very substantial investment. An airsoft pistol is the perfect side arm when you get into a cornered up situation. You are in a lot of trouble if your position is compromised and you get charged by the enemy with nothing to defend you but your airsoft sniper rifle. While spring is better for a sniper rifle a side arm should be at least semi-auto. One thing to remember is to bring an adequate amount of ammunition for your side arm as well as your rifle (Usually 2-3 magazines depending on magazine capacity, especially if it is semi or fully automatic).
2. Know your rifle. Spend a good amount of time getting to know your gun, and how the shots react to wind, temperature, and different distances (make sure to understand it's maximum accurate distance). Take a while to get to know your gun and make sure to practice to stay comfortable with it.
3. Know that being an airsoft sniper is not as much action as other positions of the field. A common misconception is that airsoft snipers get the most kills, when in reality, they usually get the least. Keep in mind that you might not be racking up the kills, but you can take out important targets (take out high priority targets such as Commanders, VIPs, etc.). Know that observation and sabotage are some of an airsoft snipers main goals in the field.
4. Modify your rifle to fit your needs. There are tons of aftermarket parts for airsoft sniper rifles. The main things a sniper should consider are purchasing quality BBs (More information on selecting the right BB for your airsoft sniper), a tight bore (around 6.01), and usually a new hopup. These will ensure tight compression and maximize distance and accuracy.
5. A good scope can be a snipers best friend. Make sure you get a scope that suits your
rifles needs. You don't need a hugely powerful scope for an airsoft sniper. A 3-9x40 scope is plenty of scope another good coice is a 4x32 scope (try to get a scope with adjustable parallax). Bipods are extremely helpful in assisting with accuracy and also they are great for sustaining a stable shooting position for long amounts of time. You should also learn to make rests in the field from branches, sticks and other natural features.
6. Camo is important, without it you will not be able to conceal yourself from enemies and opposing snipers nearly as effectively. A gillie suit is a great form of camo that is textured to help you blend in even further. In making a gillie suit use generic colors, brown, lighter brown, greens, and even some blacks and dark greens and browns. Wearing a light mesh top layer is great in helping you create camo as you can utilize a good variety of the sticks, leaves, and dirt from the field to make a very effective gille adapting your camo to your surroundings.
7. Buy some good ammunition. High polish BBs are important to an airsoft sniper to prevent damage as well as improve accuracy. Higher weight equals higher accuracy and lower FPS, but heavier BB's carry more kinetic energy for longer distances, check out our article on selecting the right BB for an airsoft sniper.
8. If you have the opportunity before the game to check out the field make sure to do so, the more you know about the field the more of an advantage you have. Make mental notes of good sniping positions, good observation points, where trails lead, when you will have open shots, and well covered areas for a retreat.
9. Stay low. Prone is going to be the best position for an airsoft sniper as it conceals most of your body and you blend into the surroundings better as a more natural shape.
10. Always have an escape route. Good cover and an escape route is more important than field of vision. When you find a good field position make sure to have at least two routes of escape.
11. Keep on the move. Staying stagnant will ruin your cover. Take one or two shots and then move on. Even if you don't think your position has been compromised, it may very well have been. Remember that you have a limited amount of shots you can take before you are compromised, make them count. Use surprise as best you can, move about a lot and attack from many different angles not to let them rest easy.
12. Recruit a spotter. Not only can he help you in a firefight, he can also help you spot possible targets. Weigh your options here as tt is easier for one person to move unnoticed than two, but considering your competition and terrain you should be able to make the right choice.
13. Find a way to communicate with your team, especially if you are working with another team of snipers. Whether you run radios or if you create signals based on showing colors find something that works for you. You are part of a team and part of your job as a sniper is recon.
Tuck Stoffers